Colibri Discovers New Zone Of Gold Mineralization On The Ep Property In Sonora, Mexico

December 19, 2023

NEWS RELEASE - Dieppe, NB., December 19, 2023 - Colibri Resource Corporation (TSX.V:CBI) (OTC:CRUCF) ("Colibri" or the "Company") is very pleased to announce that its recently completed drilling program has resulted in the discovery of a promising new zone of gold mineralization on the Evelyn property at the EP gold project located in the Caborca Gold Belt, NW Sonora. The new area of mineralization has been named West Sahuaro. Drilling highlights of the West Sahuaro includes:

  • Gold mineralization was intersected in all 6 holes that tested the target
  • Longer intercepts of continuous mineralization include:
  • 23 m intersection length at an average grade of 0.350 g/t Au in hole EVE23-196
  • 66 m intersection length at an average grade of 0.273 g/t Au in hole EVE23-198
  • Higher grade intercepts included in the longer zones of mineralization include:
  • 5 m intersection length at an average grade of 0.770 g/t Au in hole EVE23-196
  • 6 m intersection length at an average grade of 0.753 g/t Au in hole EVE23-198
  • Of a total of 570 assays completed on 1 m samples, only 7 samples returned Au less than detection limit
  • The longer intercepts are apparently continuous in three shallowly east dipping zones with a footprint of approximately 200 metres x 300 metres
  • The mineralization is open in all directions and at depth 
  • Four of the six holes drilled ended in mineralization.
  • The deepest intercept is at a vertical depth of approximately 125 m

Ian McGavney, President & CEO of Colibri commented: “Our new discovery at the West Sahuaro Zone is the thickest, most continuous, and highest grade gold mineralization intersected to date on the Evelyn property. We are extremely pleased with these results. The grade of mineralization discovered is approaching the reported production and resource grades at mines and development stage projects in the Caborca Gold Belt. The longer intercepts calculated at a 0.1 g/t Au cutoff grade and the occurrence of pervasively anomalous Au indicates that we have moved into a favourable litho-structural setting on the property. Geophysical and surface mapping indicates that the northwesterly structure that West Sahuaro sits on extends at least 2.5 km in length. We will begin building on this success with further exploration drilling in the West Sahuaro area and by leveraging our exhaustive exploration data set to further target areas along this and other identified mineralized structures.”

Recently Completed Drilling Program

Seventeen reverse circulation (“RC”) drill holes totaling 2,200 metres were completed in two target areas; the West Sahuaro (“WS”) target located in the northeastern part of the Evelyn property immediately west of the El Sahuaro target and the Main Zone area located in the central part of the property (Figure 1).

West Sahuaro – (New Discovery Area)

Six holes (764 m) were drilled on 2-3 hole, E-W, sections spaced at approximately 150 m. All holes intersected significant mineralization consisting of longer intersection lengths calculated at a 0.1 g/t Au cutoff grade and which include higher grade intervals (see table of significant intercepts).  Utilizing the 0.1 g/t cutoff grade intervals, the ESW mineralization is consistently interpreted as 3 shallowly east dipping lenses (Figures 2a and 2b below) with a projected to surface extent of approximately 200 m x 300 m. Intersected mineralization is open in all directions, up and down dip and along strike. Four of the six holes ended in mineralization > 0.1 g/t Au. Au assays have been completed on 600 samples and only 7 of these samples returned assays below detection limit.

Hole ID From To Length Au g/t
EVE23-196 25 26 1 0.902
EVE23-196 34 58 24 0.148
includes 34 35 1 0.307
includes 54 58 4 0.354
EVE23-196 88 114 26 0.323
includes 91 96 5 0.77
includes 111 114 3 0.572
EVE23-196 123 150 27 0.252
includes 131 136 5 0.485
EVE23-197 48 77 29 0.16
includes 62 66 4 0.331
EVE23-197 86 124 38 0.184
includes 86 92 6 0.505
EVE23-198 7 10 3 0.168
EVE23-198 21 46 25 0.226
includes 23 24 1 1.225
includes 30 36 6 0.356
which includes 32 35 3 0.496
EVE23-198 58 124 66 0.273
includes 77 83 6 0.752
includes 102 109 6 0.544
EVE23-199 33 34 1 0.882
EVE23-199 38 75 37 0.195
includes 58 60 2 0.372
includes 63 66 3 0.34
includes 71 75 4 0.639
EVE23-199 81 85 4 1.175
includes 83 85 2 2.27
EVE23-200 4 13 9 0.187

Table 1: West El Sahuaro Significant Drill Assays

The West Sahuaro drill target was prioritized based on a coherent Au in soil anomaly that trends north northwesterly over approximately 500 m length. The Au soil anomaly is spatially associated with a similarly oriented north northwesterly structure that has been derived from geological mapping as well as IP resistivity interpretation. The interpretation of said steep resistivity gradient extends through the IP data sets to the southeast of Evelyn and onto the Plomo property over a total distance of approximately 2.5 km (Figure 3). The trend of the resistivity gradient, when projected approximately 1 km further to the southeast, intersects Banco de Oro, a historical small scale Au mine which is a prioritized target for the Company. The Company is evaluating the significance of the north-northwest trending structure and West Sahuaro mineralization spatial association and anticipates further testing of this setting across the Evelyn and Plomo properties.

Main Zone Area Drilling


A total of 1,436 m was drilled at the Main Zone. Three separate targets were tested (see figure 4):


  1. The northern extension of interpreted east dipping mineralization lenses:
    Three holes were drilled in a westerly trending drill fence to test the northern projection of moderately easterly dipping lenses of Main Zone mineralization. Hole EVE23-190 and 191 collared to the east and planned to test the deeper extension of mineralization were both terminated due to ground conditions above target depth. Both holes intersected anomalous to low grade mineralization above target depth and both holes ended in mineralization. Hole EVE23-192 successfully intersected 3 zones of mineralization consistent with the up-dip projection of previously interpreted mineralization. Intersected mineralization is reported in table 2.

  2. The intersection of interpreted (under alluvium cover) structures coincident with a geochemical anomaly derived from a previously reported short-hole drill program:
    Holes EVE23-193, 194, and 195 were drilled to test this target which is located 100 m north of the Main Zone drilling. All holes intersected numerous narrow 1 to 2 m zones of Au > 0.1 g/t Au but failed to intersect the thicker zone characterizing the Main Zone.

  3. The SGH anomaly south of the Main Zone:
    Drill hole EVE23-186 was collared adjacent (footwall) to the Main Zone vein and planned for 300 m length to test the interpreted SGH anomaly and related structure at depth. The hole was terminated well above the target due to ground conditions at 137 m. EVE23-186 intersected consistently anomalous Au values from surface to a drill depth of 101 m. Assays and intercepts > 0.1 g/t Au are reported in table 2. Hole EVE23-202 was drilled to the south to intersect the SGH anomaly coincident with the previously interpreted (projected) structure. EVE23-202 intersected a zone containing vein quartz with disseminated pyrite over a 5 m interval from 173 m to 178 m all of which contained anomalous gold values including a high of 0.967 g/t Au over 1 m.

Table 2: Significant Assays from Main Zone Drilling

Target Hole ID From To Length Au g/t
Main Zone Ext. North EVE23-190 8 9 1 0.27
Main Zone Ext. North EVE23-190 86 88 2 0.152
Main Zone Ext. North EVE23-191 16 24 8 0.122
Main Zone Ext. North EVE23-191 33 39 6 0.186
Main Zone Ext. North EVE23-192 4 14 10 0.242
Main Zone Ext. North EVE23-192 34 55 21 0.152
Main Zone Ext. North includes 45 47 2 0.383
Main Zone Ext. North EVE23-192 86 88 2 0.144
Geochem. Anomaly N EVE23-193 55 56 1 0.111
Geochem. Anomaly N EVE23-193 69 71 2 0.186
Geochem. Anomaly N EVE23-193 75 76 1 0.151
Geochem. Anomaly N EVE23-193 94 95 1 0.194
Geochem. Anomaly N EVE23-193 110 112 2 0.12
Geochem. Anomaly N EVE23-194 43 44 1 0.119
Geochem. Anomaly N EVE23-194 53 54 1 0.12
Geochem. Anomaly N EVE23-194 56 57 1 0.121
Geochem. Anomaly N EVE23-194 107 108 1 0.351
Geochem. Anomaly N EVE23-195 3 4 1 0.119
Geochem. Anomaly N EVE23-195 85 86 1 0.137
Geochem. Anomaly N EVE23-195 103 104 1 0.13
SGH EVE23-186 1 3 2 0.174
SGH EVE23-186 35 37 2 0.116
SGH EVE23-186 78 80 2 0.346
SGH EVE23-202 173 174 1 0.967

About Main Zone

The Main Zone is the most advanced target on the Evelyn property. It is interpreted as a series of north-northeasterly striking and moderately east dipping lenses occurring over an approximate strike length of 250 m and previously drilled to a vertical depth of approximately 120 m. Mineralization exposed on surface and in historical mine workings consists of a north-northeast striking and moderately easterly dipping quartz vein that is discontinuously exposed over a strike length of approximately 120 m. The quartz vein pinches and swells along the strike length on surface reaching a maximum exposed thickness of approximately 1.5 m. Grab samples from surface exposures of the vein have returned assay values of 43.9 g/t Au and 40.1 g/t Au.  Previous drilling has intersected similarly high-grade mineralization and includes 12.19 g/t Au over an intersection length of 3 m. Mineralization in both the hangingwall and footwall of the Main Zone vein includes multiple quartz vein intersections and low to locally moderate grade Au assay values in chlorite-carbonate-pyrite altered host rocks. Longer mineralized intercepts of veined and altered host rock comprising the easterly dipping lenses at the Main Zone include:


  • 87 m at an average grade of 0.13 g/t Au including an interval of 8 m at 0.34 g/t Au
  • 86 m at an average grade of 0.17 g/t Au including an interval of 10 m at 0.55 g/t Au
  • 34.7 m at an average grade of 0.28 g/t Au including 5.65 m at 1.0 g/t Au
  • 29.0 m at an average grade of 0.47 g/t Au including 6.0 m at 0.97 g/t Au


South of the exposed Main Zone vein, the north-northeast trending structure is interpreted to extend under colluvium cover. To explore the southern extension of the Main Zone, the Company completed a Soil Gas Hydrocarbon (“SGH”) survey which resulted in a well-defined anomaly.

About the EP Project and Next Steps

The EP Gold Project is located within the Caborca Gold Belt (“CGB”) of northwestern Sonora and is comprised of the Evelyn and the Plomo properties covering a total of 4,766 hectares (“Ha”). The northwest trending CGB is approximately 500 km in length and is characterized by a number of orogenic-type gold deposits, prospects, and occurrences including the > 15 million ounce La Herradura Mine, located 25 km west of EP, the > 2-million-ounce Noche Buena Mine located approximately 8 km southwest of EP, and the past producing Soledad-Dipolos Mine (> 3 Moz Au) located approximately 32 km to the northwest of EP (see figure 5).

The Evelyn property was acquired by the Company in 2012 and the acquisition of the Plomo property was completed in March of 2023. On the Evelyn property, Colibri has completed comprehensive surface exploration including soil sampling, geological mapping and outcrop sampling, an airborne magnetic survey, and a property wide induced polarization survey. Since February 2020, Colibri has drilled a total of 12,333 metres (total of reverse circulation and core drilling) and is advancing mineralized zones at the Main Zone, El Sahuaro, and the newly discovered West Sahuaro. On the Plomo property, the Company has compiled historical exploration data and has completed its first exploration program which included geological mapping and outcrop sampling at selected target areas on the property.


The Company is continuing to advance its EP project-wide interpretation and exploration model and has identified 14 target areas (see figure 6) with recent and historical work that includes high grade grab samples from outcrop, high grade grab and channel samples from historical mine working, and drill intercepts that are both locally high grade and are consistent with grades being mined in the Caborca Gold Belt. Current work includes interpretation and inclusion of the drill results reported here and the prioritization of future drill targets. To support this work, the Company will complete an airborne (drone) magnetic survey over a selected part of the Plomo property in January 2024 and will be completing detailed geological mapping on selected targets and areas of the EP Project.


Jamie Lavigne, P. Geo and a Director for Colibri is a Qualified Person as defined in NI 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the technical information in this press release.



Colibri is a Canadian-based mineral exploration company listed on the TSX-V (CBI) and is focused on acquiring and exploring prospective gold & silver properties in Mexico. The Company holds six high potential precious metal projects, all of which have planned exploration programs for calendar 2023.


For more information about all Company projects please visit:


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Notice Regarding Forward-Looking Statements:

This news release contains "forward-looking statements". Statements in this press release which are not purely historical are forward-looking statements and include any statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions regarding the future. Actual results could differ from those projected in any forward-looking statements due to numerous factors. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release, and the Company assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes that the plans, expectations and intentions contained in this press release are reasonable, there can be no assurance that they will prove to be accurate.


For information contact:

Ian McGavney

President, CEO and Director

Tel: (506) 383-4274,


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January 28, 2025
NEWS RELEASE - Dieppe, NB., January 8th, 2025 - Colibri Resource Corporation (TSX.V:CBI) (OTC:CRUCF) ("Colibri" or the "Company") is pleased to share an update with its shareholders and interested parties in regard to its up to 1,250 metre diamond drilling program presently underway at its jointly held El Pilar Gold & Silver Project in Sonora Mexico. Colibri holds 49% interest of the El Pilar along side its partner Tocvan Ventures, which holds 51% ownership. Drilling Update  Six holes have now been completed totalling 672.2 metres and a seventh hole is presently underway. Cores from the first several holes have been logged and are presently being prepared to be shipped for geochemical analysis. The Company will report results in due course upon review of the data. On January 22 nd , 2025, Tocvan Ventures reported the following in regard to the first four diamond drill holes completed in our 2025 program at Pilar: “The aim of the core program is to build out a more robust geological model across the area. Each hole completed has successfully intersected lithologies and structures (vein zones, breccia zones and/or large fault gouges) known to host and control gold - silver mineralization at Pilar that will aid in modelling. The Company cautions these are visual indications; assay results are pending to verify the grade of mineralization.” Ian McGavney, President & CEO of Colibri states, “The Company is excited to move forward with its partner Tocvan Ventures to unlock Pilar’s significant potential. The new data derived from this diamond core drilling program will be added to the project’s geological model as well as to an upcoming Maiden Resource Estimate. We look forward to updating our shareholders on these drill results and our other progress at Pilar as we move towards our goal of being a near term gold & silver producer.” About the Pilar property The Pilar gold-silver property has returned some of the region's best drill results. Coupled with encouraging gold and silver recovery results from metallurgical test work, Pilar is primed to be a potential near-term producer. The project is interpreted as a structurally controlled low-sulphidation epithermal system hosted in andesite rock. Initially, three primary zones of mineralization were identified on the original property from historic surface work and drilling, and are referred to as the Main zone, North Hill and 4-T. Each trend remains open to the southeast and north, and new parallel zones have been discovered. Structural features and zones of mineralization within the structures follow an overall northwest-southeast trend of mineralization. Mineralization extends along a 1.2-kilometre trend. Only half of that trend has been drill tested so far. Pilar drill highlights : 2022 phase 3 diamond drilling highlights include (all lengths are drilled thicknesses): 116.9 metres of 1.2 grams per tonne gold, including 10.2 m of 12 g/t Au and 23 g/t silver; 108.9 m of 0.8 g/t Au, including 9.4 m of 7.6 g/t Au and 5 g/t Ag; 63.4 m of 0.6 g/t Au and 11 g/t Ag, including 29.9 m of 0.9 g/t Au and 18 g/t Ag; 2021 phase 2 RC drilling highlights include (all lengths are drilled thicknesses): 39.7 m of 1.0 g/t Au, including 1.5 m of 14.6 g/t Au; 47.7 m of 0.7 g/t Au, including three m of 5.6 g/t Au and 22 g/t Ag; 29 m of 0.7 g/t Au; 35.1 m of 0.7 g/t Au; 2020 phase 1 RC drilling highlights include (all lengths are drilled thicknesses): 94.6 m of 1.6 g/t Au, including 9.2 m of 10.8 g/t Au and 38 g/t Ag; 41.2 m of 1.1 g/t Au, including 3.1 m of 6.0 g/t Au and 12 g/t Ag; 24.4 m of 2.5 g/t Au and 73 g/t Ag, including 1.5 m of 33.4 g/t Au and 1,090 g/t Ag; 15,000 m of historic core and RC drilling; highlights include: 61.0 m of 0.8 g/t Au; 21.0 m of 38.3 g/t Au and 38 g/t Ag; 13.0 m of 9.6 g/t Au; 9.0 m of 10.2 g/t Au and 46 g/t Ag. Previous Pilar bulk sample summary : 62-per-cent recovery of gold achieved over 46-day leaching period; Head grade calculated at 1.9 g/t Au and seven g/t Ag; extracted grade calculated at 1.2 g/t Au and three g/t Ag; Bulk sample only included coarse fraction of material; Fine fraction indicates rapid recovery with agitated leach: Agitated bottle roll test returned rapid and high recovery results: 80-per-cent recovery of gold and 94-per-cent recovery of silver after rapid 24-hour retention time. Additional metallurgical studies : Gravity recovery with agitated leach results of five composite samples returned: 95- to 99-per-cent recovery of gold; 73- to 97-per-cent recovery of silver; Includes the recovery of 99 per cent Au and 73 per cent Ag from drill core composite at 120-metre depth. Technical information expressed in this news release is the view of Brodie A. Sutherland, chief executive officer for Tocvan, a qualified person as defined by Canadian National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and approved the technical information contained in this release. About Colibri Resource Corporation: Colibri is a Canadian-based mineral exploration company listed on the TSX-V (CBI) and is focused on acquiring, exploring, and developing prospective gold & silver properties in Mexico. The Company holds four high potential precious metal projects: 1) 100% of the 4,766 hectare EP Gold Project in the significant Caborca Gold Belt which has delivered highly encouraging exploration results and is surround by Mexico’s second largest major producer of gold on four sides, 2) 49% Ownership of the Pilar Gold & Silver Project which is believed to hold the potential to be a near term producing mine, and 3) two highly prospective interests in the Sierra Madre (Diamante Gold & Silver Project and Jackie Gold & Silver Project). For more information about all Company projects please visit: . Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Notice Regarding Forward-Looking Statements: This news release contains “forward-looking information” which may include, but is not limited to, statements with respect to the activities, events or developments that the Company expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future. Forward-looking information in this news release includes statements regarding the use of proceeds from the offering. Such forward-looking information is often, but not always, identified by the use of words and phrases such as “plans”, “expects”, “is expected”, “budget”, “scheduled”, “estimates”, “forecasts”, “intends”, “anticipates”, or “believes” or variations (including negative variations) of such words and phrases, or state that certain actions, events or results “may”, “could”, “would”, “might” or “will” be taken, occur or be achieved. These forward-looking statements, and any assumptions upon which they are based, are made in good faith and reflect our current judgment regarding the direction of our business. Management believes that these assumptions are reasonable. Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking information. Such factors include, among others, risks related to the speculative nature of the Company’s business, the Company’s formative stage of development and the Company’s financial position. Forward-looking statements contained herein are made as of the date of this news release and the Company disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or results, except as may be required by applicable securities laws. There can be no assurance that forward-looking information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. For information contact: Ian McGavney, President, CEO and Director, Tel: (506) 383-4274,
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